Active kids for a better future

Our Erasmus+ project
Active kids for a better future
We are aware of the importance and strong commitment of the European Union to the protection of human rights, democracy and the environment. In fact, such issues are present in most European law policies.
Through this project we want to increase active citizenship among students. We want them to be aware of all the social concerns that surround them (environmental issues, poverty, exclusion for people with disabilities, neglect of the elderly, etc.) and to become sensitive to these issues. It is important for them to know that no help is small and we can all improve our society. We want to develop a real and lasting inclusive attitude of students and teachers.
Therefore, we believe that they can start by changing things in their school, neighborhood, and city.
During the planned activities and the meeting, we want to make our students aware that cooperation is the key to solving most problems in their world. Through contact with other realities and cultures they can gain a broader vision to find solutions. Teachers from participating schools will exchange and empower good practices, share materials and resources in the process of training our students to become active citizens, to become more tolerant and understanding of different groups of people, dealing with different topics.

Our goals
O1. Developing competence of social, civic, inclusion, non-discrimination and active citizenship to pupils in 6 European schools by August 31, 2021 August 31, 2022.
O2. The exchange of experiences and best practices between teachers from 6 European schools regarding the development of social, civic and active citizenship competencies in the pupils and how they can be used in didactic and educational activity.
O3. Institutionally developing the European dimension of 6 partner European schools by sharing experiences and good practices on the development of social, civic and develop European project management skills.
We propose:
To train our students to be able to recognise issues concerning the community they live in and to recognise issues concerning different groups of people.
To make them understand the need of participating in different actions in order to claim and ensure better living conditions and social justice for everyone .
To question concepts and stereotypes.
To train our students to participate actively in the process of decision making and to educate them to take initiatives and to take action.
To make them realize that by carrying out voluntary actions and acts of solidarity they will feel helpful and will gain experience, knowledge and skills.
To make them understand that everyone can become a volunteer no matter his/her background ,race , nationality , religion.
To form a positive attitude towards volunteerism ,active citizenship and solidarity ,aiming at the
improvement of behaviour, the development of self-esteem and the participation in community
To improve ICT and English skills.
To encourage international cooperation as a way of solving problems. To be aware of our citizens responsibility towards environment.